Professional Learning Opportunities

Due to renovations being done to our LEARN Central Office building, our Computer Lab will be temporarily closed for Para Pro testing until July 31st.  Thank you for your patience and understanding.

LEARN hosts a variety of professional learning opportunities that empower you with creative thinking and strategic planning, ensuring you are prepared to plan confidently for tomorrow's possibilities. 

2023-24 Multilingual Roundtable LEARN/EastConn  LEARN ELA Roundtable  LEARN Ed Tech Meetup  
Power up literacy: technology-enhanced learning in the early childhood classroom  How Technology Can Enhance Newsletters in Early Childhood Programs  CT Statewide Roundtable: Students with Limited and/pr Interrupted Formal Education (SLIFE)  Press Start: Bringing ESports to your School or District
Supporting Secondary Readers (un)conference  Technology Education #407/ Praxis 5051 Study Group